Saturday, August 12, 2017

The USA, The BHA (Brainwashed Hospital America)

The USA, The BHA (Brainwashed Hospital America)

by L.E. Vega

by Author and Satirist L.E. Vega

It is lamentably no longer the USA (not that it ever was anyway). It is the BHA, a Brainwashed Hospital.

I have used one example, and will use it again here to make my point. When the Italians came to the USA, they had to fight the Irish on a daily basis, even on their way to work.

Eventually, many Irish and Italians inter married. Yet, the ongoing wars that preceded their cultural heritage were never really resolved. From the get go, the USA has been built by a group who wants to stay in control, on division.

Furthermore, some who "represent" the USA go around the world with a goal to destroy. My blood boils thinking what has been done to one of the best countries in the world, Venezuela, and how it all started when the Obama administration launched the destroying machine.

The RT link that appears in Spanish is informing that some who represent the USA simply want to destroy countries like Syria, and Libya, and discusses that Venezuela is headed to become the next Syria, not because of anything that Maduro has done, but because of the nefarious US agenda to destroy.

As part of the agenda, division has been created between Mexico, Columbia, Brazil, and Argentina, which are uniting against Venezuela, also as part of the destructing US plan.

Let me just add that the people of Mexico should revolutionize, walk up to the border between the US and Mexico, say a huge "Fuck You!" and demand to take back parts of California, and other states, and yes, maybe build the wall North of Monterey Peninsula in California, so that everything south of Monterey Peninsula will again belong to Mexico.

One can only deduct that people are brainwashed, so they are banding against the Venezuela leader Maduro. Then, in the USA, they are so bloody brainwashed, they are distracted with brainwashing tactics put in place from the beginning of the US history to divide.

Brainwashing is no excuse, and those people in USA need to be held accountable and must hold their corresponding level of responsibility.

Other Blogs by L.E. Vega